GLI Update

Today, the Board of Directors of Gun Lake Investments (GLI) has accepted the resignation of CEO Kurtis Trevan. Kurtis was an integral part of GLI’s growth of the last six years.  We wish Kurtis well in his future endeavors and thank him for his service.

As we start the process for his replacement, the Board has engaged DWH’s Monica King to be interim CEO.  Monica is a very experienced and dedicated professional that is no stranger to GLI. She has led the Board through a thorough and exciting strategic plan, as well as served as a contracted COO.
As we move forward to our next phase, the Board would like to thank the amazing GLI employees, two of which are Gun Lake Tribal Citizens and Tribal Council, who put their faith in us. As to our business partners, we assure you we will continue to honor and strengthen our relationships